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Tuesday , January 14 , 2003

Hey everyone! I'm really sorry about the EXTREMELY late update! Wanna hear my excuse? It's a good one! Alright. The internet here at Carleton has VERY limited bandwidth. When a buncha people use the internet at the same time, there's only so much bandwidth to go around, so there are certain things you can't do when things get busy. The last thing on the list of priorities happens to be FTP and IRC programs. In other words, the network 'round here has been so busy as of late, that I couldn't update at all! Currently, almost everyone is on the University equivalent of March Break, so there's plenty of 'net to go around.
So yeah, here's a new comic for everyone to enjoy. Updates will be pretty sporadic for a while, but I'll do my best to keep up! And hey, if there's no new comic, you can always read my online journal.
The soundtrack to today's comic is 'Ready, Steady, Go' by Paul Oakenfold.

~Jing Wa~
A favourite, and inspiration.
Fun, crazy manga!
Pixelly goodness.
Some of the best art on the internet.
Online manga at it's finest.
Great, Canadian, and rich in storyline.
Teen angst and peachfuzz.
My other comic! It's pointless, insane and tasty!
For it's a nifty darn comic!
Life really is rad!

Link to Salvation with THIS!
Salvation is hosted on Keenspace, a zooly webhosting service for starving webcomic artists like myself.
Site designed by Phil Jones.